Friday, October 24, 2008

SMART Boards-Ellis Island of Technology?

Much of the research indicates that although schools have internet access and computer technology for teachers, there still is large amount of teachers who still shy away from integrating technology into the curiculum. Not until the SMART Board has been mounted in the classrooms has the "passing through" to the new technology world occured. These Digital Immigrant teachers are arriving with baggage, but the interactive whiteboard is transforming the "chalk and talk" to the point and click.

The (Digital) natives are restless in our classrooms, but the research tells us that when students are motivared and engaged then learning occurs. Beeland's 2004 study proves this. This transformation is more like a "cognitive migration" of technology integration for teachers. In my experience, I haven't seen this happen as much with any tech tool as I have with interactive whiteboards. Has this happened in your classrooms or district's? Have you been transformed or seen it?
Do you have an increased willingness to try new tools since you have your SMART Board?

Have you seen "the streets paved with technology integration gold" yet?

Welcome to the new world!

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